soda4LCA 5.3.0 release

Dear soda4LCA community,

the 5.3.0 feature release of soda4LCA has just been published. It adds the option to filter for process type in the manage and attach to/detach from data stock views as well as a more flexible handling of search terms for the name field, which now takes an arbitrary number of search terms separated by spaces which will be applied using the AND operator regardless of their order.


New features:

  • Manage process datasets: filtering by process dataset type is now possible in manage and assign to/detach from data stock views
  • Search, filtering, REST API: multiple search terms for name field can be given (separated by spaces) which will be combined using AND

The complete release notes can be found at

As always, you can download the complete package with sources, binaries and documentation at

Please submit any issues using Bitbucket’s issue tracker.

Code contributions are always very welcome! If you’d like to do so, please submit a pull request that’s based on the latest code to ensure quick processing without merge conflicts.